Wednesday, August 20, 2008

The Deadline

I officially filed my nomination papers at City Hall. Last count? Nine candidates for District 3 Supervisor.

I had a great turn-out for my volunteer kick-off on August 2nd. So many people came to show their support and walk precincts on a warm, gorgeous Saturday. Even my 86-year-old friend Rhoda Feldman; what a loyal trooper. Days like that make all the really hard work worthwhile and keep me going on the trail.

How many debates are there? I’ve lost count: August 20th, September 3rd, September 10th, September 23rd, October 2nd. Could it be the record year for candidate forum debates? Questionnaires are rolling in on a daily basis: SF Bicycle Coalition, SF 4 Democracy, the Young Democrats…

Summer is waning, autumn is in the air, and the campaign kicks into high gear. I am the only true independent in the race that will represent the citizens of District 3 and the city, with no strings attached. I have lots of under $50 donations from regular working people, and I’m taking public finance, which matches contributions from San Francisco donor. It’s really grassroots.

I’m beginning a new program, Lynn Listens. You can meet me at coffee shops in the district, and let me know what‘s on your mind. My first one is scheduled for Wednesday, August 27th, from 5:30-7:00pm at Nook (1500 Hyde St. @ Jackson). Please drop by; I’d love to hear from you.

Monday, August 18, 2008

I'm Lynn Jefferson

I’m an activist, a neighborhood leader and I’m passionate about this great city of San Francisco. I left New York 15 years ago and never looked back. Little did I know then that my life would lead me to run for District 3 Supervisor in a town where politics is not for the faint hearted.

But then I have never been afraid; the challenges I’ve faced in the course of my life have made me strong. I moved here in 1993 for a new job, leaving behind a 15-year career in the wholesale/retail industry. The day the movers came to pack up my apartment, my mother died of a massive stroke. She was only 70 years old.

So, it was a huge challenge, alone in a new city, with a new job, dealing with the death of my mother….I survived all this, and then at probably the lowest point in my entire life, I met my husband in England, 6000 miles away. That was the beginning of the good times.

Now, fast forward to five years ago…

I got involved in the community through North Beach Neighbors and became the President of that organization, serving for two years. Still active, I chair the Planning & Zoning Committee. There are so many issues in North Beach regarding land use and powerful special interests. And, as we all know, there are so many boarded up buildings.

I think of North Beach Neighbors as the good guys: independent, willing to challenge the status quo, providing balance.

That’s me, an independent voice for the citizens of District 3 and the city. I’m willing to fight the fight for residents and small business owners who have been shut out of the process by powerful special interests with ties to City Hall. With no political agenda, I am here to serve the community, and the people. The real deal.