Sunday, September 14, 2008

A new kind of "bona fide" meal

Beware of legislation bringing glad tidings with names like North Beach Special Use District, the latest attempt by Supervisor Peskin to say a great big farewell to North Beach and the health of the business climate.

This legislation goes so far as to give new meaning to the phrase bona fide meal:

A place which is regularly and in a bona fide manner used and kept open for the service of meals to guests for compensation and which has suitable kitchen facilities connected therewith, containing conveniences for cooking of an assortment of foods which may be required for ordinary meals.

(a) “Meals” shall mean an assortment of foods commonly ordered at various hours of the day for breakfast, lunch or dinner. Incidental food service, comprised only of appetizers to accompany drinks is not considered a meal. Incidental, sporadic or infrequent sales of meals or a mere offering of meals without actual sales is not compliance.

(b) “Guests” shall mean persons who, during the hours when meals are regularly served therein, come to a bona fide public eating place for the purpose of obtaining, and actually order and obtain at such time, in good faith, a meal therein. Nothing in this section, however, shall be construed to require that any food be sold or purchased with any beverage.

Can things get any worse for North Beach for restaurants, cafes and bars?

On September 18th, this legislation will be heard before the Planning Commission. The legislation is over 300 pages; needless to say I haven't read the entire thing, only what pertains to the North Beach Commercial District.

The Planning Department has recommended approval of this draconian legislation under duress as usual.

Stay tuned for another battle……….

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