Thursday, October 16, 2008

Telling a story

From a recent San Francisco Examiner editorial:
"...because the plan is all stick and no carrot, it is difficult to see how Peskin’s 318-page bundle of restrictions provides any incentives whatsoever for a hardware store or shoe-repair shop..."

"...Peskin’s heavy-handed pursuit of reviving the old-time North Beach village atmosphere tries to reverse the powerful tide of economic history that made the district into one of San Francisco’s widest-known tourist magnets..."

" really becomes difficult to understand how keeping certain businesses out of North Beach will automatically persuade other, more sought-after businesses to move in...."
Read the entire editorial here:

This was my letter to the editor of the Examiner:

Economic woes, blight and crime.

That is what North Beach is left with following eight years of over-legislating by Supervisor Peskin. The business climate is so bad that it will take more than 318 pages of legislation to convince “neighborhood serving retailers” to come open up shop in any number of boarded up, buildings that line Columbus and Grant avenues.

Every building tells a story, a story that politically connected special interests dictate the fate of what once was a vibrant economic engine for the City.

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